
The first phygital marketplace with an on-chain transaction, fully built e-commerce integrations, product lines, listings & more... all minted as NFTs. NFTs allowed those of the digital age to express vision, wealth, status or knowledge while capturing audiences, community members or customers. For the first time in human history, we have the ability to record a transaction, or message, immutably and free of censorship. We created something that would, in theory, last forever. Transactions recorded on public blockchains also allow for automated accounting without fear of error along with advanced client relation and data management. We as a business can now track our wealthiest customers and provide them with a more flexible service or target with promotions based on spending habits on the blockchain. Users are protected as everything that goes public on chain is done so in their full knowledge and as oppose to Web 2 data churning models, consumers can see exactly what corporations can see. We all have access to the same information. We are all on a level playing field.

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