
Stake to access different club tiers the enhanced features across all d'apps and provide your computing power or storage space from with little as a mobile to mine your share of protocol revenue.

The previous 10k, 1m, 5m, 10m and 50m clubs have been replaced with a dynamic badge system that encompasses the animalistic culture of crypto markets. Each tier also provides increased governance rights, limited to avoid vote manipulation yet rewarding to incentivise large stakeholders. All stakeholders share revenue in the form of $DHB buy backs and deposits into 1 of 3 tiered pools.

As further allocations will now be dynamic, dependant on protocol fees, designations will be subject to requirements at any given moment ensuring the protocol needs are at the forefront at all times.


Joining clubs also unlocks the below badges that are diplayed on your profiel, comments, uploads and live chat communications.

Beyond the perks for the amount of $DHB staked, there are also three pre-defined tiers determined by stake duration which define user rewards.

  • Tier 1: Stake & lock 1 or 2 quarters, and share 25% of rewards

  • Tier 2: Stake & lock 3 or 4 quarters, and share 25% of rewards

  • Tier 3: Stake & lock 5+ quarters, and share 50% of rewards

Staking user flow:

  1. Users stake $DHB tokens in staking pool, and choose one of 3 tiers to stake in a reward period. Users can’t stake multiple tiers in the same reward period.

  2. Users can see their current shares on the tier which they have chosen to stake and total unlocked amount, as well as the token unlock date.

  3. Prior to the unlock date, the users can unstake only 88% of their staked tokens. Once they reach the unlock date, they can choose to unstake or restake free of fees.

  4. When users unstake, they receive back their original $DHB token allocation.

  5. Users can automatically restake or manually restake. Restaking starts from the time users confirm the `Restake` button. When restaking, users can change their original tier. Please refer to restake rules below for more information.

  6. DeHub team funds reward anytime, users get reward immediately.

  7. Users can claim their rewards anytime without unstaking if they have any to. Form reward calculation refer below.

  8. Users can increase their staked amount in the current reward period, but this is only available for Tier 3 stakers.

Reward Calculation

DeHub team funds reward at variable times dependant on protocol fees, with announcements to the community.

Users might get rewards immediately from staking, or they might have to wait for injections depending on when they staked.

This section elaborates how to calculate rewards;

Rewards depend on tiers and staked amount. The higher the tier, the larger share of funded rewards.

In each tier, the system calculates the staking share per each users like this.

Locking percent = 100% * Now - Staking start timeStaking period

Staking amount = Current locked amount * Locking percent

Staking share of user = 100%*Staking amount

Rewards = Staking share* Funded rewards * Tier percent

i.e. Let’s assume User A, B, C stakes 1000 $DHB tokens on different tiers.

Reward 1, 2, 3 indicates the times that 5000 $DHB tokens were injected as rewards by the DeHub team.

User A staked on Tier 1 for 1 quarter, User B staked on Tier 2 for 3 quarters after first rewarding, and User C staked on Tier 3 for 5 quarters after first rewarding.

Rewards and shares are calculated per each tiers.

User A and User B have 100% of staking share on each Tier 1 and Tier 2.

User C staked in the second reward period, but will unlock in third reward period.

At Reward 2,

Locking percent = 3q / 5q = 60%

Staking amount = 1000 * 60% = 600 $DHB

Staking share = 600 / 600 = 100%

Rewards =100%* 5000 *50% = 2500 $DHB

At Reward 3,

Locking percent = 2q / 5q = 40%

Staking amount = 1000 * 40% = 400 $DHB

Staking share = 400 / 400 = 100%

Rewards =100%* 5000 *50% = 2500 $DHB

⇒ User C's Total Rewards =2500 $DHB + 2500 $DHB = 5000 $DHB

Restake Rule

Users can choose either automatic or manual restaking, during harvest. For automatic restaking, simply click the restake button and watch as the magic unfolds on chain. For the manual process, simply unstake, play about with your metamask for a while then follow the original staking process.

This section elaborates the restake rules in several usecases.

  1. Restaking means unstake all the unlocked/locked tokens and stake again. This can be automated or manual.

i.e. User A already has 1000 unlocked $DHB tokens and 500 locked $DHB tokens for 1 quarter.

Restaking means unstake 1000 + 500 $DHB immediately and stake 1500 $DHB again.

  1. Users can use the automatic restake butto before they reach the unlock date yet this comes at a 12% fee, outside of harvest dates.

i.e. User A already staked for 1 quarter in the current reward period.

If User A selects automatic restake option, the contract automatically restakes for 1 quarter at the end of 1 quarter, if done outside of harvest periods this still incurrs a 12% fee.

Or after the end of 1 quarter, User A can select auto-restake option, then restake immediately.

  1. When automatically restake, users can change locking period, different locking period will be applied in the next reward period, else use the same locking period.

i.e. When User A select the automatic restake option, they can change locking periods during that window in the menu shown above.

User A staked for 1 quarter in the first reward period, now wants to restake for 2 quarters.

While time still remains to the start of next reward period, the contract will restake for 2 quarters in the next reward period, this ca be adjusted with the "count" option, giving users multiple automated restaking options.

  1. If users force to the restake locked tokens manually, only 88% of total amount will stake in the pool and 12% will be transferred to the dev wallet.

Reference How to stake? The steps are very simple and consist of minimal clicks or technical requirements.

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Click the "Stake" button.

  3. Input amount of DeHub to stake and duration to stake for

  4. Confirm the transaction & you're done. Note: during the first transaction you will have to approve the staking contract first. This will happen only once. How staking rewards are generated? Staking rewards are generated from all fees taken by the network's streams of revenue as well as a base allocation from initial injection.

Where do fees come from? Fee's are generated from a number of avenues such as; • PPV & PYPV sales • Streaming subscription fees • NFT Marketplace fees • NFT Launch fees • IRL & VR Event NFTicket Sales • Trading & Technical fees on all DEXs • Promotional partners on gaming and streaming d'apps • Affiliate and referral programmes at High Street Onboarding Stores.

Disclaimer: DeHub tokens are strictly for utility purposes in the same way that any in-game or in-app digital tokens or currencies and strictly not an investment. As our token lives on-chain, we can offer added utility as well as unprecedented levels of verifiable transparency. The above data is solely compiled for transparency, educational and informative purposes only. DeHub and all affiliates hold no liability for financial losses incurred from purchasing any tokens or NFTs we release. Markets are highly volatile, especially ones in their infancy like ours. You could also lose all your money due to a hack, competency failure or technical error. Therefore, you should only ever spend what you can afford to lose.

Last updated