
Sustainable play and win to earn with no dilution or inflation.

As a team full of gamers & streamers, we found a gap in the market that no one else is penetrating. Currently, billions of gamers world wide who enjoy free casual games have been overlooked by the web3 industry even though regular web2 arcades are turning over millions per month.

So we've built and released a barrier free, play and win to earn arcade full of classics and custom games that will compliment our more immersive gaming experiences years down the line. A play and earn model sustained entirely on fee generation ensuring no dilution or inflation is needed to incentivise engagement, positive feedback loops & general growth.

This also has the added benefit of incentivising the team and community to consistently work harder to achieve the common goal as the more users we have, the more revenue we make, the more rewards are generated and the more users we can attract.

A truly self enhancing and sustainable ecosystem.

Upcoming releases

  • Street Slayer Rid the streets of the greedy banking mafia and save the club at all cost in this endless fighter that's free for all, yet comes with full play and earn for Lean Chad Fight Club (LCFC) holders. LCFC are our genesis NFT mint partners and the first of many coming to the DeHub ecosystem.

  • MMA Battle Royale (Official Title TBC) Hyper realistic and gory battle royale with officially licensed proffesional fighters, the first of it's kind, set on a tropical island paradise being built for the past year on EU5 and previously teased in our community here

Titles released

  • Whack A Schifff Whack Peter Schiff on the head every time he squirms out his mole hole to rack up points while avoiding the bombs to stay alive for a limited time.

  • Gas Guzzler Keep your ETH gas topped up while collecting dehub coins and avoiding other moon boys in their Lambos. Be sure to hit the NOS for a boost as you maximise your score in this endless driver!

  • Rocket Blaster Avoid those cursed laser beams on your 100km mission back to the moon in this endless blaster.

Key Features

  • Barrier free play and win to earn

  • Classic arcade mini games, tournaments & top tier independent/indi games

  • Stream gaming content directly on our streaming app

  • Build decentralised guilds and e-sports divisions with existing pro gamers

Last updated